
Trio Eidos


Francesco Mardegan - violin

Giulia Loperfido - piano

Born in 2020, Trio Eidos soon quickly established itself as an emerging group in the chamber music scene.

In 2023, it won the “Best Italian ensemble” prize at the Filippo Nicosia International Chamber Music Award.

They studied with Bruno Giuranna and are currently attending the Perosi Academy, where they are being mentored by the “Trio di Parma”.

In 2023, Trio Eidos released their first CD with music by Dvorak, Rachmaninov and Capogrosso.

Duo Greci-Bruno


Giulio Greci - violin

The Greci-Bruno duo saw the light in 2022. Already the next year, they became the winners of the Grachtenfestival Conservatory Concours 2023 in Amsterdam.

The Duo have studied with the renowned professors Ilya Grubert, Dora Schwarzberg, Pieter Wispelwey and Giovanni Gnocchi. After successful completion of their master’s, both Stefano and Giulio remained attached to the Amsterdam Conservatory as contract students with Pieter Wispelwey and Dmitry Ferschtmann, respectively.

Individually they excel in both chamber and solo music. Both Giulio and Stefano have won several prices in national and international concourses in The Netherlands, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, and Hungary. Also, they have worked with various orchestras in Europe, such as Amsterdam Sinfonietta and the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra.

Giulio plays a J.B.Vuillaume violin (on loan from The Dutch Musical Instruments Foundation) and Stefano has a René Jacquemin cello, that was built in 1921.

Opificio Sonoro Ensemble

Opificio Sonoro is a collective of musicians united by cultural curiosity and passion for experimenting with innovative programs.

It is a multifaceted musical entity, offering listening experiences diagonal to traditional concert room programming: from ancient to contemporary music, from the sound of historical instruments to electronics.